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"Smart Bunker Cities" or underground smart cities to safeguard human civilization, fauna, flora, resources, and technologies from a potential global nuclear war

It is crucial to design and promptly construct "Smart Bunker Cities" or underground smart cities to safeguard human civilization, fauna, flora, resources, and technologies from a potential global nuclear war. This endeavor requires the use of procedural multimodal generative artificial intelligence [1], which would play a central role both in the protection phase and in post-conflict reconstruction.

Smart Bunker Cities should be conceived as highly interconnected and autonomous complexes, capable of sustaining human life and the surrounding ecosystem under extreme conditions. These underground cities should be equipped with advanced infrastructure for resource management, food production, energy supply, and the preservation of critical technologies.

Procedural multimodal artificial intelligence would play a fundamental role in managing these complexes. It would be responsible for the integration and real-time analysis of vast informational ecosystems, continuously monitoring and optimizing the various subsystems of the city. Furthermore, procedural AI would be tasked with developing reconstruction strategies for surface smart cities, based on detailed data and simulations, to quickly restore the interconnection and functionality of global infrastructure after a catastrophic event.

This innovative approach would ensure unprecedented resilience, enabling human civilization to face and overcome existential threats through a combination of advanced technologies and sustainable planning strategies.

[1] Procedural multimodal generative artificial intelligence

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