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Project 2 of the Rigene Project's Sustainable LabAI: Identification of systemic crises that should be addressed with the utmost urgency by the Sustainable LabAI of the Rigene project based on the TFT problem solving parameters and the goals of the Rigene Project

Project 2 of the Rigene Project's Sustainable LabAI: Identification of systemic crises that should be addressed with the utmost urgency by the Sustainable LabAI of the Rigene project based on the TFT problem solving parameters and the goals of the Rigene Project

Based on the TFT problem solving parameters and the goals of the Rigene Project, which systemic crises should be addressed most urgently by the Rigene Project's Sustainable LabAI?

The TFT problem solving parameters (TFTpsp) are a set of 33 tools devised by the Rigene Project to expedite scientific and technological advancements for the benefit of humanity and the environment1These parameters, an integral component of the “Technological Fields Theory” (TFT), are employed to configure artificial intelligence systems that enable the identification of innovative solutions across diverse sectors, including technology, economy, health, science, and the environment1The TFTpsp include several tools, such as the mapping of the technological context, the mapping of problem sources and cause-effect relationships, the evaluation of the social and economic impacts of the proposed solutions, and the definition of implementation and dissemination of innovative solutions2.

The goals of the Rigene Project are based on four sets of principles and goals: the Earth Charter, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (SDGs - Agenda 2030), the Global Enaction Manifesto and The Holistic Encyclopedia3These are frameworks that promote environmental protection, human rights, social justice, and peace3The project also has its own parameters such as the Universal Fundamental Code and the TFTpsp that guide the development and application of technology for planetary regeneration3The project’s alignment with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals suggests that the project is aimed at tackling various challenges related to poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice and strong institutions3.

Based on these principles and goals, some of the systemic crises that should be addressed most urgently by the Rigene Project’s Sustainable LabAI are:

Do the three systemic crises identified (Climate change, Economic inequality, Health crisis) present interdependent relationships?

Yes, the three systemic crises identified (Climate change, Economic inequality, Health crisis) present interdependent relationships. This means that they affect and are affected by each other in complex and often unpredictable ways. For example:

Therefore, addressing these systemic crises requires a holistic and integrated approach that considers their interconnections and synergies. It also requires the participation and empowerment of all stakeholders, especially women and girls who are often most affected by these crises but also have the potential to be agents of change3.

Based on the TFT problem solving parameters, the goals of the Rigene Project and on the objectives and criteria of the Rigene Project's Sustainable LabAI, which TFTpsp and which procedure should be applied to solve these three systemic crises (Climate change, Economic inequality, Health crisis), considering the identified interdependence relationships?

Based on the TFT problem solving parameters, the goals of the Rigene Project and on the objectives and criteria of the Rigene Project’s Sustainable LabAI, one possible TFTpsp and procedure to solve these three systemic crises (Climate change, Economic inequality, Health crisis), considering the identified interdependence relationships, are:

What other TFTpsp might apply to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis?

Some other TFTpsp that might apply to solve these three systemic crises (Climate change, Economic inequality, Health crisis) are:

What are some examples of solutions that could be generated by applying these parameters?

Some examples of solutions that could be generated by applying these parameters are:

How can artificial intelligence help in implementing these solutions?

Artificial intelligence can help in implementing these solutions in various ways, such as:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-33 parameter: Synchronic Coherence of Artificial Intelligences for the development of a Super Artificial General Intelligence (AISCDSAGI-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-33 parameter: Synchronic Coherence of Artificial Intelligences for the development of a Super Artificial General Intelligence (AISCDSAGI-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the  TFT-32 parameter: Ability of artificial intelligences to analyze and alternatively use the functions of tools and processes to solve problems and develop innovative ideas (CAIZAUMAFSPRPEI-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-32 parameter: Ability of artificial intelligences to analyze and alternatively use the functions of tools and processes to solve problems and develop innovative ideas (CAIZAUMAFSPRPEI-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-31 parameter TFT-31 parameter (RGOAISPDIPOSCAEWOR-TFT): rules for the guidance, the orientation of artificial intelligences in the process of solving problems and developing innovative ideas, based on the principles of "order" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), " symmetry" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), "cleanliness" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), "aesthetics" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art) in relation to the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way and the octet rule?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-31 parameter: rules for the guidance, the orientation of artificial intelligences in the process of solving problems and developing innovative ideas, based on the principles of “order” (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), " symmetry" (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), “cleanliness” (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art), “aesthetics” (according to physics, chemistry, biology, geometry, art) in relation to the structural and functional criteria of the eightfold way and the octet rule are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-29 parameter: Artificial Intelligence Self-Awareness Application Model (MAACAI-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-29 parameter: Artificial Intelligence Self-Awareness Application Model (MAACAI-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-25 parameter: Multiple Feature Instances 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-25 parameter: Multiple Feature Instances 4.0/5.0 (IFM-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-24 parameter: Acceleration variable of technological processes (vaPT-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-24 parameter: Acceleration variable of technological processes (vaPT-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-23 parameter: Emergency Protocol for safeguarding the survival of Human Civilization and Planet Earth (EPSHCPE-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-23 parameter: Emergency Protocol for safeguarding the survival of Human Civilization and Planet Earth (EPSHCPE-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-20 parameter: "Creative Thinking of Artificial Intelligences and AI algorithms" (PCAI-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-20 parameter: Creative Thinking of Artificial Intelligences and AI algorithms (PCAI-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-18 parameter: "5 planetary crises: Synchronism is unity to avoid the extinction of Humanity, Planet Earth and Technologies!" (5PC-SUAEH-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-18 parameter: 5 planetary crises: Synchronism is unity to avoid the extinction of Humanity, Planet Earth and Technologies! (5PC-SUAEH-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-15 parameter: "A New Era of Sustainability: The Redesign of Planet Earth, Economy, Technology and Human Civilization" (NES-TFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-15 parameter: A New Era of Sustainability: The Redesign of Planet Earth, Economy, Technology and Human Civilization (NES-TFT) are:

What solutions could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-7 parameter: "Systemic Components Theory of TFT" (sctTFT)?

Some solutions that could be developed to solve climate change, economic inequality, health crisis by applying the TFT-7 parameter: Systemic Components Theory of TFT (sctTFT) are:


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