The Nexus of the "Missing Law of Nature" and Advanced Technological Governance: Exploring the Role of Multimodal Generative Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain
The Nexus of the "Missing Law of Nature" and Advanced Technological Governance: Exploring the Role of Multimodal Generative Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain [] #artificialintelligence #Blockchain #Nature #ComplexSystems Abstract: This treatise seeks to establish a conceptual bridge between the "Missing Law of Nature," [] which identifies evolution as a common feature of complex systems, and the utilization of Multimodal Generative Artificial Intelligence (MAGI) and blockchain for the governance of intricate technological systems. It examines the interplay between the evolutionary dynamics of complex natural systems and the technological strategies employed to manage their exponential development, emphasizing the pivotal role of advanced technologies in promoting informed decision-making and sustainable progres...